To share a passion

Départ le 22 mai 2016













08 Décembre 2017

There are people, such as Jean-Pierre, for whom the self-sacrifice is a second nature! Today « active » retiree as his son likes to say, Jean-Pierre was always involved in the voluntary work. It seems that he must have been dipped into at birth…

Everything started at the beginning of his professional career. Bank employee, he quickly became the treasurer of the Sociocultural Association of his company, then the treasurer of a rural home in La Malène in Lozère Department.

This big-hearted man has more than one string to his bow. At first he is an athlete of road race. He ran 10 times Marvejols-Mende race, 30 marathons with a record time of 2h44 and ran 25 km in 1h30 (16,7 kph) to the French championship of 1988. He ended twice the mythical 100 km of Millau: a symbol for him, for he is a member of the Organization Committee for more than 25 years Committee Member of Organization…

Certified competition judge for 30 years, he accompanies regularly the young athlete on various competitions. In 2009, he obtained his diploma of sports teacher in athletics and began to supervise the School of Athletics and the chicks. More than an involvement, a passion which occupied him at least 8 hours a week one year ago. Today Jean-Pierre is training a group of adults 2 hours a week.

His most beautiful running memory : on 1982 - 100 km of Millau. In Saint Rome de Cernon, he met Jean-Marc Bellocq (8 times victorious in Millau, recordman of the event) who said to him "Good job little guy, continues!". At this time, 24 km separate themselves…
In 2018, Jean-Pierre will be one of 1000 present volunteers to make the 5th edition of the Course Eiffage du Viaduc de Millau in Aveyron a success.


To share a passion